About Me

Not sure why you would want to know about me, but if you're curious;

My name is Tony. I live in Vancouver B.C. and I am a huge fan of Nerf and other dart blasters. I'm not one to go to wars, I mainly just like to modify the blasters and plink around at home.

I've been reading Nerf Blogs for a few years starting with Nerf Mods and Reviews. Since then I've watched many blogs begin, and unfortunately many end as well. What I never seemed to see much of though was a disassembly/internals view of the blasters before they were modified. If there were internals pictures, they generally tend to be small images with low resolution (ie, 1280x720px). I, like many I assume have had projects get put on hold, then forget how to put the blaster back together. I had always hoped someone would create a blog basically showing how the blasters come apart step by step which would help putting them back together again.

After getting confused countless times trying to figure out where a certain part goes in a blaster I decided that if no one else was going to do it, then I might as well be the one to do it.

As such, this blog is mainly dedicated to large internal pictures and disassembly views of the blasters that I have. Obviously this blog is in it's infancy and has many areas that need improvement, but hopefully that will come with time.

I don't expect to be able as popular as the big guns out there now (Blasterhub for example), or in the past (Nerf mods and reviews, SBNC, Bazookafied.. etc), but I hope to be helpful.

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